Thursday, June 18, 2009

Altered Cigar Box for the Pink Martini Lunch Silent Auction

A friend of mine has asked that I contribute something for the silent auction associated with a breast cancer fund raiser called Pink Martini Lunch she is chairing. She requested an altered cigar box. I decided to make and stationary box and include some handcrafted stationary. I am posting three pix of the front - one with bling, one with gold leaves, and one with only a vintage look. Could you take a look and let me know which you think is best. Thanks for taking a peek and offering your expertise.
Live long & prosper,


  1. It looks good. I'm glad that you're able to do this for your friend. You can also cover the composition book in paper to make it look pretty :)

  2. Hi Weezie :)!
    oK, i LOVE the one with the BLING!! and because its for the Pink Martini silent auction.. then I REALLY LOVE THE box with the PINK MARTINI BLING! SUPER CUTE :)
    with a grin,

  3. Hmmm I love this idea, but Sorry Weezie I like the plain. I find the "bling" doesn't match the type of paper you've chosen or the theme of paper Its more vintage were as the "bling" is yound and hip.. And I'm not liking the leaves either. To Fallish. Maybe you can add "bling in a simple colour, like browns or golds. I hopw that helps. Oh & I agree with Jessica, dress up your paper. Ciao
