Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Veterans' Day

I thought it appropriate to thank my son, Scott and his wife, Autumn, for the years of military service they have provided to our country. They are terrific individuals and I am ever so proud of them.

My son and his wife have served our Country in times of peace and in times of conflict. They continue to serve, often putting their personal goals aside. I recognize and honor their willingness to serve, protect and defend. Freedom is never free.

Thank you for watching.

Live long & prosper,



  1. Weezie! Thank You for your contribution ! Your son is a hero in my eyes! :) I thank him and his wife and his family for their service! God Bless YOU AND YOURS!! AND GOD BLESS AMERICA!

  2. Weezie I was so touched by this video. Thank you!

  3. Weezie
    your family is so precious!Thanks for sharing this video.It really touched my feelings...
